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9000 Watson Rd
St Louis, MO, 63126
United States


Boardwalk Hardwood Floor is a hardwood flooring supplier that sells prefinished hardwood flooring, unfinished hardwood flooring, laminate flooring, cork, leather, hand scraped and wire brushed flooring.

10 Things You Should Know About American Hardwoods

Wood Talk

10 Things You Should Know About American Hardwoods

Keith Troyer

When choosing flooring for your projects, have you considered the environmental impact? American Hardwoods might be the perfect choice for you, and here are ten compelling reasons why. From their sustainable growth to their positive impact on our health, hardwood floors have much to offer. So, before you make your next project decision, take a moment to consider these facts:

  1. Renewable Resource
    The growth of hardwoods in American forests outpaces harvesting efforts. In fact, according to the USDA Forest Service, since 1953, hardwood volume has increased by a staggering 131%. This steady growth ensures a sustainable supply of wood for the future.

  2. Healthy Choice
    Creating a healthy living environment is essential, and hardwood floors are the right place to start. Unlike some other flooring materials, hardwoods don't trap dust, dirt, or allergens, making it easier to keep your space clean. Additionally, low-VOC finishes keep the hardwoods looking great while supporting better indoor air quality.

  3. Abundance of Choices
    You don't have to search far and wide for renewable and sustainable materials. American hardwoods diverse options include: ash, alder, cherry, maple, oaks, walnut, and more. These locally sourced hardwoods have been used for centuries to bring warmth and beauty to various structures.

  4. Cost-Effectiveness
    When considering the life cycle costs, American hardwoods stand out as an economical choice. They can last for generations, which makes them more favorable and cost-effective compared to many other materials.

  5. Eco-Friendly
    If you care about the environment, American hardwoods are a fantastic option. Virtually every part of a harvested log is utilized as lumber or by-products, and finished wood products are reusable, recyclable, and biodegradable.

  6. Responsible Harvesting
    In American hardwood forestry — based on regional climate factors — single-tree selection is a preferred harvesting method. Foresters choose individual trees for harvest based on a complex array of considerations.

  7. Energy Efficiency
    Choosing wood products also promotes energy efficiency. Manufacturing items from wood consumes significantly less energy compared to materials like aluminum, glass, plastic, cement, or brick. In fact, making products from these other materials can require up to 126 times more energy than using wood.

  8. Carbon Negative Impact
    Healthy trees play a crucial role in reducing greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. They absorb carbon dioxide, store carbon, and release oxygen. Furthermore, wood flooring continues to store carbon dioxide during its service life and can eventually be recycled for other purposes.

  9. Long-Term Value
    Investing in hardwood floors can pay off in the long run. These floors can last for over a century with proper care and maintenance, offering exceptional long-term value. Additionally, they can increase the value of homes and businesses.

  10. Positive Impact on Health
    Beyond the environmental advantages, wood flooring has a positive impact on our physical and mental health. Research highlighted in Psychology Today suggests that being in rooms with wooden surfaces can lower diastolic blood pressure and create a sense of comfort. This connection to nature, known as biophilia, has the power to reduce stress and improve concentration.

In conclusion, American Hardwoods present a compelling case for being the environmentally responsible choice for your flooring projects. With their renewability, health benefits, abundant variety, and overall value, they offer a harmonious blend of sustainability and practicality. So, the next time you're considering flooring options, think about the natural beauty and benefits that American Hardwoods can bring to your space.


More than 90% of the wood floors sold at Boardwalk are grown, sourced, harvested, and manufactured in North America. This allows us to get your new flooring to you faster (shorter supply chain) and maintain a higher-quality product catalog.

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